Sunday, November 28, 2010


For the dough
1 kilogram plain flour
2 teaspoons of salt
40 grams fresh yeast
2 teaspoons of sugar
500 ml milk
150 ml oil
2 eggs
For the filling
500 grams cottage cheese
1 egg
For the egg wash
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon milk
For the pan
250 grams of margarine (shortening)

Firstly, mash the cheese with a fork, and then add the egg. Filling mustn’t be liquid; it has to be almost creamy. If the cheese is not salty enough, add salt if needed. In a small bowl mix the fresh yeast with a little bit of warm milk, one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of flour, and stir well, until there are no lumps. Leave in warm place to activate the yeast. In a large bowl, sift the flour, baking soda and salt. Add the activated yeast, eggs, oil and milk and knead into smooth dough. Cover the bowl with greased plastic wrap and leave it for one hour to rise. Knead the dough and divide it into two equal parts, and each part into five balls.
Flatten the dough balls with a rolling pin and cut the each circle into eight triangles, stretch each triangle further to elongate it. On the wider part of the triangle put a teaspoon of the filling and fold the triangle edges so the filling doesn’t drip out during the baking. Wrap the rolls and arrange them on a baking sheet. Brush the rolls with the egg wash and put thinly sliced butter between the rolls in the pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Serve warm. FFTO.


  1. Beautiful pictures. Your kiflice are lovely and golden. Welcome to our group--it's great to have you! I'm sure you will like it.

  2. Ove Majine kiflice su prva liga, a i ti si ih super smotala...vidi samo kako su se lepo poredjale za slikanje!;))) A jel ostala jos koja za probu?;)))

  3. Your kiflice look perfect Tina - golden and inviting. Welcome to the group.

  4. Odlicno izgledaju, a za ukus ne sumnjam da je odlican.

  5. Super su, Tina :) Drago mi je da ima još "naših" tamo medj' FFTO ;)

  6. @Mignonne
    Ostala, ostala ;) baš su ih pojedinci završili pre 20ak minuta za kasnu (kaaasnu) večeru :D
    Hvala ti :))
    @Zelja, @Nada, @Ana
    Hvala vam cure puno :))
    Thank you :)) I still have a lot of practice in front of me so I can't roll 'em like Mignonne or Mamajac, but I'm giving my best :)
    Thanks for the warm welcome :))
    Pričah ti o onom "hrskavom" hlebu :D od tad sam rekla sebi da ću sigurno mnogo više da naučim uz neku grupu poput FFTO (htedoh da napišem FTP :D), obzirom da volim da radim sa testom, al' mi ne ide svaki put od ruke :D
    Hvala ti :))

  7. Odlično Tina! Super su ti ispale! Svaka čast! :)

  8. Super izgledaju!!! Bas sam ih danas osacovala kod Maje i odmah su mi se dopale :)

  9. Yours look gorgeous. Lovely photos too :)

  10. They worked out really well, they look great ;0)

  11. Kiflice izgledaju prefino i prekrasno :)


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